3 Reasons Why You Should Outsource QA

3 Reasons Why You Should Outsource QA: As technology continues to integrate with business operations, many companies find themselves depending on software for various needs. As a result, organizations need to test these applications while also accounting for the price of botched software.

The question is, should you outsource QA, or should you manage it in-house? Nowadays, the best option is the former, which has several benefits. For instance, a company like Emagined offers an amazing option to help you defend against hackers by hiring hackers.

Below, we’ll explain what QA is all about, along with the top three reasons for outsourcing.

What is QA?

So, what is quality assurance? QA helps you to avoid errors and defects in software or manufactured products. It also prevents problems with customers upon delivery of products or services. In short, quality assurance is a process that aims to provide a quality product or service at the end.

If you create a specific software for your business, you’ll need to run comprehensive testing to ensure it meets the desired requirements. How do you do this? Well, there are two ways: outsourcing or in-house testing.

In the past, many companies chose to measure QA in-house. The primary reason for this was to cut costs. Nowadays, it’s an effective strategy to achieve better business objectives. Here are the top three reasons why you should outsource quality assurance:

Reasons Why You Should Outsource QA

3 Reasons Why You Should Outsource QA

1. Provides Objective Results

You need a completely unbiased assessment of your software, which means you require two different teams to work on the development and quality testing processes. The general rule of thumb is that software development and quality assurance are two separate parts of the puzzle.

The team that designs the software can’t be the same one that tests it for flaws and inconsistencies. It’s vital that you get a new set of eyes for a neutral and impartial view of the application.

Outsourcing QA also assists in identifying errors during the early stages. The quicker you catch mistakes, the cheaper it is to fix them. For instance, discovering a defect during the production phase can sometimes multiply the cost by up to 10x, while uncovering it during the implementation stage only costs 5x more. 

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2. Cost-Efficient

As can be expected, the money associated with outsourcing plays a significant role in this decision. Additionally, today’s uncertain economic climate makes it much more crucial to focus on the bottom line.

If you decide to go the in-house route, you’ll need to pay for a variety of different things. Here’s a brief list of the things you’ll need cash for:

  • Salaries for test engineers
  • Testing tools
  • IT infrastructure
  • Training

Not only do you need to fork out thousands of dollars, but you also won’t have the guarantee that it’ll meet your testing needs. By outsourcing, you can gain access to experienced professionals and advanced software testing tools at a much lower cost.

Additionally, you’ll also have more time to focus on other aspects of your business. This, in turn, adds more value to your company.

3 Reasons Why You Should Outsource QA


3. Flexibility and Faster Turnaround Times

Your business is constantly evolving. As a result, your needs will continuously change, as well. If you outsource QA, you can have instant access to the right resources and skill sets without having to increase your budget drastically.

For instance, if your software becomes more complex and requires a higher level of expertise, you can get the right technology from your QA partner at short notice. On top of this, you can receive information about defects much faster, resulting in a more effective process.

Another benefit of outsourcing is that you only pay for the resources you use. In other words, the services are tailored to your specific needs, which keeps everything streamlined and within budget.

Final Word

There are several benefits to outsourcing QA. The motivating factor is usually the lower costs, but there are other advantages as well. An impartial evaluation is paramount, while flexibility and fast turnaround times are valuable assets as well. If you don’t yet have a dedicated in-house QA team, outsourcing is worth considering.

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Author Bio: Ajit yadav is a professional blogger and co-founder of WindowsClassroom. He is a software engineer by education and blogger & writer by profession.

Ajit Yadav

Author Bio: Ajit yadav is a professional blogger and co-founder of WindowsClassroom. He is a software engineer by education and blogger & writer by profession.

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