Windows 10 Features

Windows 10 features: Windows is one of the most preferred operating system and it keeps adding new features for its users on a frequent basis. New Windows 10 comes with an array of features and this article will illustrate on a few of them.

Some Windows 10 Features

Start Menu is back

Microsoft has re-introduced the Start menu and upon clicking start button to the left of your screen you can see 2 panels in a row wherein the left column is showed as pinned.

You will also see power button right at the top to access options such as standby, hibernate and shutdown. The right column lets you select live tiles which are easily resizable, customized and can be re-organized. You can also expand the start menu to full screen as and when you want with the need of Modern UI start screen.


Xbox App: One of the best windows 10 features

You can easily play Xbox One game (any of them) on your tablet or computer with the help of Xbox app especially made for Windows 10. This new OS is compatible with Xbox game with much more enhanced speed along with superb graphics performance. This is all because of DirectX 12 support. The application allows you to edit, share and record your wins in the Game DVR function. That also helps you catch the past 30 seconds of the game so that you can recollect the memories of your victories.


Enhanced multitasking

The Multiple desktop functions allow you to operate a different series of windows just like operating another screen altogether without a separate actual monitor. It is same as OS X feature Apple’s Spaces.


Action Center

Windows 10 gives you the liberty to view your notification at one destination. This is possible because of the Action center which gathers alerts present on your device from different apps which is same as notifications drawer present on Android or iOS.

It helps toggle various connectivity options quickly as well as many other settings like display contrast and brightness.

Read also: A brief comparision between Windows 10 & Windows 7

Universal Apps

To make the switching across devices flawless, Microsoft has added a new feature known as Universal Apps which actually utilizes the similar code but adopts the user interface of the device you are using.


Project Spartan Browser

You can now think beyond internet explorer as Windows 10 has this new browser – Project Spartan. The features comprise of PDF support with enhanced reading mode that presents a perfect layout ideal for reading long articles. The browser also has Cortana support inside the browser so that you can find the related information from different sites.


Cortana support on desktop

Windows 10 introduces voice controlled Cortana which is a digital assistant that lets you interact easily with the device without even typing much. You can easily scan your hard drive for certain files you need, access photos date wise and also start power point presentations just by asking your computer to do it for you.


The above mentioned and many more features to unleash with Windows 10 that makes your tasks pretty easier and quick.

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Author Bio: Ajit yadav is a professional blogger and co-founder of WindowsClassroom. He is a software engineer by education and blogger & writer by profession.

Ajit Yadav

Author Bio: Ajit yadav is a professional blogger and co-founder of WindowsClassroom. He is a software engineer by education and blogger & writer by profession.

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