Free VMware Backup Software: Secure Your Data with Ease

VMware is a virtualization technology that allows users to run multiple virtual computers on a single physical computer, which allows for better utilization of computing resources, reducing hardware costs and saving space. Therefore, virtual machines and virtualized environments also require backups to protect the integrity of data and applications.

The benefits of VMware backups

Virtual machine technology is making a significant impact on data centers by increasing the consolidation of servers at an unprecedented pace. Large companies and enterprise organizations have started to reduce the number of physical machines needed and in this way are achieving cost reduction, energy and space reduction. At the same time, the advent of virtual machines has created significant challenges for data backup, but it undeniably offers many benefits as well:

  1. Avoid data loss: Backups can help organizations protect this important data, prevent data loss, and provide faster recovery in the event of a disaster.
  2. Quick recovery: In case of data loss, you can quickly recover your data from the backups, thereby minimizing downtime and business disruption. This can help ensure business continuity and maintain customer satisfaction.
  3. Cost-effective: VMware backups can help reduce costs associated with data loss or downtime. The cost of lost revenue, productivity, and reputation can be significantly high compared to the cost of implementing regular backups.
  4. Scalability: As companies grow, their virtual environments also grow, leading to an increase in the amount of data that needs to be protected. VMware backups can scale to meet the demands of growing businesses, ensuring that data protection remains effective even as the environment expands.
  5. Compliance: Some industries have specific compliance regulations that require data backup and recovery procedures to be in place. VMware backups can help ensure that the organization meets these requirements, avoiding costly fines and legal consequences.

It proves that vmware backup solution is important because data and applications in virtual machines can be lost or corrupted, which can affect business continuity and productivity.

Free VMware backup software | agentless and automatic

If you’re seeking for a safe and automatic software to back up your VMware virtual machines. AOMEI Cyber Backup, a professional and free VMware backup software, is now available. It can make it simple for you to create a flexible backup task for multiple virtual machines and it also offers the following benefits:

Support Free ESXi: Support not only paid version but also free versions of VMware ESXi.

Automation: Run unattended backup tasks automatically according to the schedule you set and notify by email.

Agentless Backup: Create complete and independent image-level backup for VMware ESXi and Hyper-V VMs

Restore from any point: Restore entire VM from any backed-up history quickly and easily.

Role Assignment: Allows one administrator to create sub-accounts with limited privileges.

Email Notification: Send email notification when the task is completed or abnormal.

Then I’ll go into great detail in next section that how to use AOMEI Cyber Backup to quickly backup and restore multiple virtual machines.

VMware Backup Software

Simple steps to backup VMware virtual machines with AOMEI Cyber Backup

At first, please login to AOMEI Cyber Backup web console. Then it’s time to bind your device, and choose either a standalone ESXi host or a vCenter Server host. Once bound, you can easily manage all virtual machines on the host without the need to install an agent on each individual virtual machine. Then please go to create your backup jobs. You could set up your backup tasks flexibly to suit your own needs.

AOMEI Cyber Backup

After the backup task is completed, it will be clearly listed on the intuitive interface for you to restore or modify the backup tasks.


Protecting data and applications in virtual machines is essential for your organizations. VMware backup is a crucial aspect of this protection, as it helps reduce system downtime and ensures regulatory compliance. To ensure the security and reliability of your data and applications, it’s important to choose the right backup solution and follow best practices.

When selecting a backup solution for VMware, consider using AOMEI Cyber Backup. This VMware backup software provides you with more options to suit your needs. By choosing the right backup software, you can significantly reduce the cost of your time and ensure the safety of your valuable data. It not only offers virtual machine backup, but also Microsoft SQL server backup.

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Author Bio: Ajit yadav is a professional blogger and co-founder of WindowsClassroom. He is a software engineer by education and blogger & writer by profession.

Ajit Yadav

Author Bio: Ajit yadav is a professional blogger and co-founder of WindowsClassroom. He is a software engineer by education and blogger & writer by profession.

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